Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Now Servicing in Utah County

Hey everyone! I am working hard, and hoping that my cleaning business can take off and do well. I have cleaned for people since I was 12 years old-- possibly younger. While in my early 20's I started to branch out and try to get clients other than those in my neighborhood. My hopes of running my own cleaning business then were soon dashed when I decided, instead, to try and further pursue my whimsical dreams of theater. Not long after that I got married, had some kids and I have tried and tried to find a way to survive and make a decent living. I got a job up at Sundance in housekeeping, started school and continued to work hard. Unhappy with work at Sundance, I started picking up private jobs again. I found great success in this, and I am now out there, on my own, trying to get this business up and running. My hopes are that I can support my family while trying to get through school. I also hope that I can provide customers with a service they feel satisfied with and that was well worth their money.