Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Cleaner Spolight: Cleaning Bleach

I'm not the greatest with fancy tricks, and neat little tips. I don't have many secrets. I just clean things with different cleaners until it comes clean. But I thought I might try to post some of my favorite cleaners, and what I use them for. Lets start with my absolute favorite: Cleaning Bleach

I don't like to use bleach unless there is absolutely nothing else that can get the job done. The reason why is because I have ruined far to many clothes. This is also why I only like to use bleach in a very controlled environment. But bleach does a job, and it does it well so it still ranks high on my favorites list.

I keep bleach in a cupboard by my toilet. When the toilet starts look gross, or has some fun little spots inside, I'll spray it with bleach and just let it sit. No scrubbing, no having to remember to go flush, just let it sit and most the time you'll come back to find a sparkling toilet. Some spots have to wait till I have time to scrub but bleach really helps keep it under control.

So in my house I have a cleaning schedule, that I try to stick to. I'll share more on that later. The purpose of this schedule is to create a balance between the house being clean enough so that I don't get stressed, and me spending time with my kids and having fun. With the schedule I can get certain things done in a day, and when they are done I know I'm done and I'm free to do other things. My house isn't immaculate, but its under control. Sometimes events in my life cause me to re-figure the cleaning schedule and make it simpler. One of these events was my last pregnancy. I used to scrub my tub twice a month. But now I only do it once a month. The other times I just spray it with bleach and let it sit. It works great, and it is so easy.

Bleach is great for mold in bathrooms. That's one reason I love to bring it cleaning. I also use it to clean my toilet brush after each house I clean.

I like Cleaning Bleach because it's not as strong as the bleach you use in the laundry. When something in the laundry needs bleached that isn't white, or all white at least, I like to use cleaning bleach. Before bleaching any article of clothing remember to get it completely wet before using the bleach to avoid getting weird spots.

Anyway. . .those are just a few reasons why I like having Cleaning Bleach in my home. Remember to use all cleaners safely. When in doubt follow the directions on the bottle :).

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